Monday, July 5, 2010


I am a horrible speller. I always have been.  When I was in Elementary school I hated taking the weekly spelling tests. I had to study my spelling words everyday. I wasn't one of the kids who could just figure out how to spell words by sounding it out in my head. I had to look it (still do) or ask someone else how to spell it. In jr. my first drafts would always come back covered in red marks of things that I needed to fix, usually because I didn't like to take the time to read through my drafts before I turned them in.

So why do I tell you this? The answer is simple... When my little sister read my last blog post she found at least three grammar and spelling errors. She probably found more but didn't tell me because she could tell that I was getting annoyed. I went back and fixed the ones that I could find but I probably didn't get them all. There are probably a few in this post as well (kind of ironic huh?)

So this post is mostly to inform you that most of my posts will have grammar or spelling errors. Will I try to catch them? Yes. Will I be successful at trying to catch them? Probably not.


  1. When you are in the post you are writing it has a spelling check you can use!!! It's on the little taskbar where it has like bold and whatnot! :) Just FYI. LOVE YA!

  2. I love You Justine! ps I'm a good speller and still have mistakes too because I don't read through first!
