Thursday, October 14, 2010


My littlest sister is nine years old and has asking what I was going to be for Halloween since the beginning of August. I told i didn't know yet but to wait until the end of September and I would let her know then. Well the end of September came and I had no idea, which is weird because I usually come up with something. When she once again asked me what I was going to be for Halloween I avoided the question by asking her what she was going to be. A fairy princess she told me. Well the wheels started to turn in my head and I decided that it was a pretty great idea. So I told her that I would be a fairy princess too.

My mom got very excited about this because she had seen some really cute tutus that she wanted to try to make herself. We bought 40 yards of tulle later we started making the tutus. I cut the tulle into five inch sections and then tied them around an elastic. When I started I thought that there was no way that I would use all that tulle. Turns out I did. Yep, all forty yards of tulle where used to make two tutus.

I'm quite proud of my tutus. They are huge and poofy. It's wonderful. I'm not going to post pictures yet. I think that I will wait until after my family's Halloween party.

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